Total Land | 37,637.1 sq mtr |
Play ground area | 1488.3 sq mtr |
Built up area | 851.11 sq mtr |
Number of class rooms (I to XII) | 26 |
Number of class rooms (Nursery wing) | 04 |
Art and Craft /Music Room | 01 |
Sports Room | 01 |
Math’s & SST Lab | 01 |
Activity Hall | 01 |
Staff Room | 04 |
Computer Lab | 02 |
Science Laboratory ( chem, bio, phy) | 03 |
Badminton Court | 01 |
Library | 01 |
Main Office | 01 |
School Manager Room | 01 |
Exam Room & Educomp (Server Room) | 01 |
CCTV Camera | 36 |
Computers | 80 |
Educomp (Smart Classes) | 30 |
DG Set (Kirloskar) | 01 |
Activity Hall | 01 |
Play Station (Nursery Section) | 01 |
New Pre-fabricated Class rooms | 07 |
Atal Innovation Lab | 01 |
Air Force School, was established in August 1965 with the primary objective of promoting quality education and fine arts besides serving Air Force personnel.
020 27019046
7:25 am to 1:50 pm ( Nur - V
Monday to Friday)
7:25 am to 1:50 pm ( VI - XII Monday to Saturday)
Air Force School, 9 BRD, Pune Nagar Road, Chandan Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411014