
The observance of rules of discipline and good behaviour is essential to the student’s continuance in the school. The decision of the Principal is final and binding on all students in respect of rules / instructions framed for discipline and good behaviour.

Forbidden practices: No student is to indulge in any of the following.

  1. Disfiguring / damaging any School property.
  2. Smoking in/ around school premises.
  3. Any form of playing cards or gambling.
  4. Carrying or using mobiles, iPods, iPads, laptops or any other video, electronic and communication device in the school premises.
  5. Use of drugs and intoxicants, except on the prescription of a registered medical practitioner.
  6. Chewing of betel leaves, tobacco, gutka, pan masala, chewing gum etc. in school premises.
  7. Rowdy or rude behaviour
  8. Use of violence in any form and raggingl eve teasing or passing lewd comments.
  9. Practice of untouchability or advocating of its customs communalism or any such social evils.
  10. Being in possession of viewing, reading, screening, sharing, forwarding any kind of inappropriate material by sms, email or any other medium. They are not to discuss or criticize the school or their teachers or any school staff authority on facebook, twitter or any other social media.
  11. Indiscipline involving fighting, theft! any other act which may bring disrepute to the student, school or the Air Force in general.
  12. Driving a two or four wheeler to school without a valid driving license and helmet (In case of two wheelers).
  13. No Student will be involved in ragging. Ragging is an act wherein senior students use the fact of senior to ill-treat their juniors and put them through an unacceptable level of discomfort and disturbance. These acts may include physical and psychological assault or threat (intimidation) or use of force or any mode of restriction, or demeaning the status, dignity and honour of junior students or subjecting them to mockery and act that affect their self respect or use of abusive language and aggressive, vulgar and indecent behavior with the juniors.
  14. Bringing sports articles like balls, bats etc. into the school building.
  15. Shouting, pushing, bullying in the school I bus.
  16. Bursting of crackers or playing with Holi colours.
  17. Truancy: Missing Classes, Library, P.E. Classes. ​

Air Force School, was established in August 1965 with the primary objective of promoting quality education and fine arts besides serving Air Force personnel. 


020 27019046


7:25 am to 1:50 pm ( Nur - V Monday to Friday)
7:25 am to 1:50 pm ( VI - XII Monday to Saturday)

Air Force School, 9 BRD, Pune Nagar Road, Chandan Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411014

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